Metal gate with Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ M letter in it.

Lanae Hood

Adjunct Professor, Food and Nutrition

120 Martin

(919) 760-8079


Dr. Lanae B. Hood joined the Department of Nutrition, Health and Human Performance in 2017. She has a passion for teaching courses related to public health, nutrition, and food science. Her research focuses on food insecurity, promoting access to healthy foods, community-based participatory research methodology, and health disparities. Currently, she is part of a large research collaboration studying college campus food insecurity in order to design interventions to improve access to healthy, affordable foods for college students. She is also actively involved with the campus food pantry (The Daisy Trade). In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Hood serves as the faculty advisor to the Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ College Nutrition and Wellness Association, a member of the Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ College Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee, and a peer reviewer for six leading journals in her field. Outside of work, Dr. Hood enjoys learning about homesteading and raising poultry, practicing food preservation skills, and spending time with her family on their mini farm.


Research interests:

â–ª Food Security â–ª Food Access â–ª Health Disparities â–ª Rural Health â–ª Community Based Participatory Research â–ª Food Policy â–ª Refugee & Immigrant Health â–ª Farmers’ Markets & Community Gardens â–ª Fruit & Vegetable Consumption â–ª Federal & State Food Assistance Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹s â–ª WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹

Academic Credentials

  • Ph.D in Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • M.S. in Nutrition, Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ College
  • B.A. in Political Science, Wheaton College (Massachusetts)

Professional Credentials

Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior

American Public Health Association

Kappa Omicron Nu


  1. Hagedorn-Hatfield, R.L., Hood, L.B., & Hege, A. (2022). A Decade of College Student Hunger: What We Know and Where We Need to Go. Frontiers in Public Health.
  2. Olfert, M.D., Hagedorn, R.L., Houghtaling, B., Esquivel, M.K, Hood, L.B., MacNell, L., Soldavini, J., Berner, M., Savoie Roskos, M.R., Hingle, M.D., Mann, G.R., Waity, J.F., Knol, L., Walsh, J., Kern-Lyons, V., Paul, C., Pearson, K., Goetz, J.R., Spence, M., Anderson-Steeves, E., Wall-Bassett, E.D., Lillis, J.P., Kelly, E.B., Hege, A., Fontenot, M.C., & Coleman, P. (2021). Struggling with the basics: food and housing insecurity among college students across twenty-two colleges and universities. Journal of American College Health.
  3. Hagedorn, R.L., Olfert, M.D., MacNell, L., Houghtaling, B., Hood, L.B., Savoie Roskos, M.R., Goetz, J.E., Kern-Lyons, V., Knol, L., Mann, G.R., Esquivel, M.K., Hege, A., Walsh, J., Pearson, K., Berner, M., Soldavini, J., Anderson-Steeves, E., Spence, M., Paul, C., Waity, J.F., Wall-Bassett, E.D., Hingle, M.D., Kelly, E.B., Lillis, J.P., Coleman, P., & Fontenot, M.C. (2020). College student sleep quality and mental and physical health are associated with food insecurity in a multi- campus study. Public Health Nutrition, 24(13):4305-4312.
  4. Andrews, J. & Ball, L. (2020). Effects of the School Calendar on Farmers’ Market Attendance. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 15(6):866-878.
  5. Hagedorn, R.L., Pompalone, A.L., Hood, L.B., Yura, C.A., Morrow, D.F., Olfert, M.D. Higher Education Food Insecurity Toolkit Development and Feedback. (2020). Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 52(1):64-72.
  6. Hagedorn, R.L., McArthur, L., Hood, L.B., Berner, M., Wall-Bassett, E., Connell, C., Anderson Steeves, B., Spence, M.L., Tidwell, D., Waity, J., Kelly, B., Lillis, J., Olfert, M.D. (2019). Expenditure, Coping, and Academic Behaviors among Food-Insecure College Students at 10 Higher Education Institutes in the Appalachian and Southeastern Regions. Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(6).
  7. Ball, L., Andrews, J., Gruber, K., & Dharod, J. (2018). Implementation of a WIC clinic farmers’ market improves accessibility and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables among WIC farmers’ market nutrition program participants. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 14(6):838-849.
  8. Hege, A., Ball, L., Christiana, R., Gleason-Wallace, C., Hubbard, C., Truesdale, D., Hege, J., & Fleming, H. (2018). Social Determinants of Health and the Effects on Quality of Life and Well-being in 2 Rural Appalachia Communities: The Community Members’ Perspective and Implications for Health Disparities. Family and Community Health, 41(4):244-254.
  9. Ball, L., McCauley, A., Paul, T., Dharod, J., Gruber, K., & Haldeman, L. (2017). Evaluating the Implementation of a Farmers’ Market Targeting WIC FMNP Participants. Health Promotion Practice Journal, 19(6):946-956.
    1. Featured by Health Promotion Practice Journal as a “best paper” in the journal’s 2019 Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹ Planning and Evaluation Reading List
  10. McArthur, L.H., Ball, L., Danek, A.C., Holbert, D. (2017). A High Prevalence of Food Insecurity Among University Students in Appalachia
    Reflects a Need for Educational Interventions and Policy Advocacy. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(6):564-572.

    1. Reviewed for a 2018 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office: U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2018, December 21). Food Insecurity: Better Information Could Help Eligible College Students Access Food Assistance Benefits.

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