
Loan Repayment

As a current student, you may begin paying your student loan and/or interest before the loan goes into repayment. To determine your loan servicer, please visit and log in using your FSA ID and Password to view the “My Loan Servicers” section on your dashboard OR call聽the聽听补迟听1-800-433-3243.

What is repayment?

Repayment is the process of paying back the money you borrowed from the Federal Department of Education to help pay for your education. For Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, the repayment period begins when your grace period ends. Direct PLUS Loans enter repayment when they are fully disbursed. However, you may defer making payments while you are enrolled in school at least half-time and for an additional six months after you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment.

Calculate repayment and determine your repayment plan

To calculate your loan repayment, you may utilize the聽.

The grace period is defined as a six-month period that generally begins on the day after you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment. You are not required to make payments during the grace period.

Payments are made to your loan servicer.聽 Other reasons you may contact your loan servicer include: if you graduate, change your name, address, or phone number; transfer schools; drop below half-time enrollment; leave school; need help making monthly loan payments; or are called to active duty with the U.S. armed forces for more than 30 days.

Determine your聽听禄

If you are considering consolidation, the Department of Education can consolidate your loans at no cost. Learn more about聽听禄

Contact Information
1st Floor, Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8565
Fax: (919) 760-2373